Tuesday 1 December 2015

Research and Planning Self Assessment

I think that my blog is a high level 3 or a low level 4, this is because I have followed every step of the tasks set properly and made sure that each research task was detailed.  I provided images and other sources of evidence to clearly evaluate my point and I showed full understanding of my task by describing it in further details whilst giving examples.

  • My research into horror movies are very detailed and I started my research from 1990 all the way up to 2010 to give a better understanding of how the horror genre drastically changed over the years
  • My research into potential target audience is also very detailed explaining the process very well and giving explanations of why we didn't use certain responses. I also gave a clear introduction to this task to show exactly what we did
  • My time management is very good as I know when to do each of my tasks appropriately making sure I do the right thing at the right moment. Also they are always handed in on time
  • My use of digital technology and ICT is excellent and I am very familiar with IT, I take it as an A-level and received an A grade in GCSE
  • My communication skills are very good but I am better at listening than speaking to people, especially groups. within my blog my grammar is mainly ok, although I will make simple mistakes now and then
  • My level of care taken in my work is very high as I like everything to be neat, aligned, organised and has the correct font. I personally try my best to keep my blog looking professional 

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